Water Operations Drill as the Weather Warms Up
By Chief Daniel Dreyer
May 10, 2019

On Monday, May 6th Croton Falls firefighters used the regular weekly drill to focus on water operations for structure fires. The scenario required firefighters to staff and operate five trucks: two engines, two tankers and one quint. As shown in the pictures below, Engine 147 drafted water from a portable pond set up behind the Pietsch Gardens Pavilion and fed Ladder 67 which flowed water into Peach Lake through its aerial master stream. Engine 148, located next to the Vail’s Grove Pavilion, initially drafted water out of Peach Lake via a dry hydrant to fill Tanker 8 and Tanker 88 to shuttle water to the portable pond. When a problem with the dry hydrant was identified, the scenario was changed and Ladder 67 drafted water out of Peach Lake.

Tanker shuttles are essential to fighting fires in areas without fire hydrants (most of northeast Westchester County including North Salem) and these drills provide our new and experienced apparatus operators a good opportunity to hone their skills. Croton Falls firefighters will work with the Vail's Grove staff to get the dry hydrant next to the pavilion back online.